Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Simplicity and focus

I've just taken a wander back through my posts for the month of January... one of the reasons I'm doing this is to track ideas and themes, to try to make some sense of where I might be headed.
So far I'm all over the place. It's fun to be recording lots of ideas and playing them off one another, i.e. an abstract drawing style applied to a still life. But I'd have to say I'm not learning as much as I'm just purging. What I'd really love to see in the coming weeks is a development of one of these ideas that leads to a body of work. I think that's happening with the big wall drawing, but I've been removed from the studio for some days here working for money. Bah. So, tomorrow, back to the drawing board.
Today's drawing is my reminder to keep it simple. (Lots of busy busy drawings in cyberspace in January. Reflections of my inner landscape I suppose.) This drawing was made with a beautiful smooth block of soft graphite, lightly scrubbed into the paper over a few wisps of horsehair-like marks. Ahhh, that's better.

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