Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Drawing on Wooster Street

A great weekend in NYC included a few gallery visits in SOHO, including the Agnes Martin drawings at Peter Blum. One of my favorites is at left. Twenty-four intoxicating drawings, all ten to twelve inches square. My friend Lori and I spent a long time wandering and soaking them in.. The show also includes her 'last' drawing, a small, squiggled seedling in a pot. I've got it bad for her.
We also hit the Drawing Center (www.drawingcenter.org) for their selections show, 9 artists who are members of their Viewing Program. I feel thrilled, inspired. Also enjoyed Ben Degan at I- can't-remember-the-name-of-the-gallery; his small drawings in the back were lovely.
A trip to the big city always makes me feel like drawing forever. It also reminds me how small is the area where I live.
Anyway, I made some drawings while I was there. This is one. Stay tuned for more in the coming days.

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