Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hung out to dry

And here's another of those possible animated drawings. What if the laundry was wafting in the breeze?
The honey bees are lazily losing their way back to the hive... I read in a London paper that the cause of CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) could be cell phones – wow, well, their magnetic fields. Bees get confused and cannot find the hive. They simply disappear. I suspect that we are bombarded pretty much constantly by electricity that can warp us in odd ways. Not to mention that NOWHERE is safe or free from it. A new kind of pollution. Could we give up our cells? Horrors! (Mine languishes in the bottom of my bag, out of battery power I'm sure, and pretty darn quiet.)
I've pondered sound pollution in the same way for a few years now. None of us living today has experienced true silence. I'd like to.
Anyway, I'm worried about the bees. Who will pollinate our crops, make our honey, tend our hives?

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